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About Me


I hail from the head of the Canadian technology triangle: Waterloo

As per school, I am currently located just outside Toronto


I love FPS/TPS games, and can't get over the thrill of Lawbreakers. 


If you would like to see more examples of my work (such as proofs of concept, level designs, documentation experience, I have a larger portfolio as well. I also regularly post flashy game dev gifs to Twitter.


Growing up, only building toys held my interest. I had a great deal of free time and those kinds of toys could offer many hours of entertainment. My younger brother grew tired of how open-ended those toys were and often requested to play board games with me. However, when we would play those games, I grew bored quickly and began introducing new rule sets that suited my tastes better.


Eight years ago, my parents enrolled me in a Visual Basic game-programming course. I learned how to code Donkey Kong. I also learned VB is terrible for coding games. I began to come up with ideas for console games that could never be handled by my skills at the time. I enrolled for a second year. Still couldn’t make games that matched my vision for them.


The next year, I joined a community wiki for video game ideas. I wrote up a few ideas, but it still took way more time than I found acceptable. I ended up writing giant lists of game ideas based on assorted inspirations.


Eventually, I found a bachelor program that seemed to promise a mix of art and programming for games, with a focus on figuring out all of the aspects of the game without necessarily having to do everything by oneself. I learned Unity and finally found a way to have my ideas for games exist for myself and others to play.  I have also found that I love fixing and reworking other people’s ideas just as much fun as creating my own.


I code proofs of concept!

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